




学習が進んで1ヶ月した頃に受講生インタビューを実施!Sakindi Uwera Marie Roseさんにお話を伺いました。



It has been one month since you started learning here. How do you feel about studying programming in DIVE INTO CODE?

Marieさん「この1ヶ月間で学んだことは、この短期間で学んだとは思えないほどたくさんあり、とても充実しています。 このプログラムを修了するときには、私たちは、デキるプログラマーになっている と思います。」

Ms. Marie “I feel good and feel like what I have learned is bigger than one month. When we reach the end of this program, I think we will be a very good programmer.”


Did you feel fun or difficult?


Ms. Marie “I cannot say it was fun mostly. It depends, sometimes difficult and sometimes fun. But, when I keep learning and reading some documents, it is fun for me.”



How do you want to use programming for your own country?


Ms. Marie “I think programming can solve some of the problems laying down on the youth. The big problem is that youth think there is no job but we can create our own jobs once we obtain programming skills.”

Image from Gyazo


Which kind of problem do you want to solve?

Marieさん「解決できる問題は、どんなビジネスなのかによりますが、私の場合は 女性実業家になって、ショッピングサイトを立ち上げたい です。わざわざアメリカや日本に、自ら足を運んで買い物をするのはお金がかかるので、オンラインショッピングのサイトを立ち上げて、簡単に買い物を楽しめるようにしたいです。航空券を買うお金でたくさんのものを買えてしまいますからね(笑)」

Ms. Marie “It depends on what business you are in. In my case, I’d like to be a businesswoman and make a website that you can buy some products. Because it costs so much if you fly to America or Japan to shop, I’d rather make an online shopping website and use it. For the airfare, you can buy a lot of stuff.”


How do you think about working with foreign countries?


Ms. Marie “If we work with them in other countries, we can learn many things from them like how they contribute, so it is good.”



What is your dream?


Ms. Marie “I have said what I want to achieve is to become a businesswoman. And good programmer.”


Is there any dream you have after you realize that dream?


Ms. Marie “The next dream after becoming a businesswoman is a rich woman. A rich woman who helps poor children. I want to help those children to go to school or give them food. I wish to have a big place like this campus and help them, give them what they need.”


Please give some comments to DIVE INTO CODE.

Marieさん「まず野呂さん、私たち、若い世代に、このようなプログラミングを学び、実践的スキルを上げられる機会を与えてくださって、本当にありがとうございます。私は今ここでITについて学んでいますが、これは私にとって本当にビッグチャンスです。 壁にぶつかるたびに、解決策を学び、強くなってきています 。だからこそ、ここルワンダでこのような授業を開講してくれて、本当にありがとうございます。これからもたくさん勉強し、知識を広げ、Webエンジニアになれるよう頑張ります。」

Ms. Marie “First, thank you, Mr. Noro. You brought a very good chance to us like the young generation, to improve our knowledge and skills in programming. Now I’m learning IT and it is a very big chance I have gotten. The more challenges you meet, the more solutions you learn. So thank you so much for all of your attacks that you have given us this chance. What I hope is to learn, work hard, and improve our knowledge, and be a programmer developing websites.”
