


ディープロ ルワンダ校の受講生のAlexisさんにインタビューいたしました。世界トップのエンジニアを目指す熱意を語ってくれました。


学習が進んで1ヶ月した頃に受講生インタビューを実施!Ndikumana Alexisさんにお話を伺いました。



“How do you feel about these three weeks of programming experience inディープロ?”


Mr. Alexis “I’m feeling very well these days, and I’m very glad of it. Now, I have a stronger desire to be a professional developer, and I’m pretty sure I will realize it soon.”


“Is it fun or difficult?”


Mr. Alexis “It is fun when I understand, but it’s not when I don’t really understand it. I can see that there is some fun and struggles because I’m on it. So, the things not fun at the beginning turns out to be fun later on. “



“How do you want to use programming for your country, Rwanda?”


Mr. Alexis “As you can see Rwanda is a developing country. We are far from technology. Many services are done manually, and you have to go somewhere to submit something physically, for example. So, the way I want to use my programming skills and experience is to help Rwandan people to have easier lives. I want to develop my country and help people down there.”



“How do you think about working with foreign countries’ developers?”

Image from Gyazo


Mr. Alexis “It is very nice and encouraging us because we can share our knowledge with each other. It is like a small earth. Even if it’s big, it becomes smaller. What I don’t know but someone on the earth knows, I can gain that knowledge by collaborating and I can handle it later on. So, it is encouraging us to be on the same standard.”


“What is your dream?”


Mr. Alexis “My desire is to increase my knowledge and fly up to where I don’t know but far. I would like to be one of the top developers in the world, for example like America comes to see me ask for help to develop their project.”



“Please give comments to ディープロ.”


Mr. Alexis “The first thing I want to say is that I like the name. I think DIVE INTO CODE is a smart name. The name of the company describes itself and people who don’t know the company can guess what the company is related to. I like DIVE INTO CODE because they have loving hearts. I felt Asians are doing their own things and hide what they know from us. But you chose to come here to share your knowledge, so, Thank you very much. “
