




学習が進んで1ヶ月した頃に受講生インタビューを実施!Jean Claude DUSENGUMUREMYIさんにお話を伺いました。



How do you feel with learning programming over the past month in ディープロ?


Mr. Jean “I believe I made something very strong for programming this month because it’s getting interesting even though it was my first time to see Ruby language.”


How about the error message, and is programming fun or difficult?

Jeanさん「楽しいですが、だんだん難しくなっていくと思います。今はMVCを習い始めたところで、エラーが起きたときに、その原因を探すのがとても難しいですね。エラーが発生したら、”まず原因を突き止めてデバッグをする”の繰り返しになります。 でも、プログラミングが好きで興味があれば、問題はありません。 続けるためには、難しいことでも理解していかなければならないですしね。」

Mr. Jean “It’s fun but it’ll be difficult because, for now, entering into MVC and it’s even hard to know where the error comes from when an error occurs. So, you need to go back and see what causes the error and debug again and again. But, it’s fine when you like it and are interested in it, and of course, you need to understand it.”



How do you want to learn programming and use it in your own country?


Mr. Jean “Okay, how to learn programming, I believe this environment is safe and good for understanding programming.
Second, the way I want to use it in Rwanda, I want to make programs that actually help the society. Since Rwanda has started engaging technology, many sectors need to boost its production by programming as a tool to accelerate. For instance, I have tried to analyze some gaps which need to be implemented using some applications. Then with web applications, people can access data easily and that actually makes the successes in any department.”


How about working with a foreign country’s developer?


Mr. Jean “That’s something great because, if Rwanda citizens became partners with foreign countries, I believe that is a way of opening throughout the world. Because we cannot develop when we do it only alone. If we were a partner with, let’s say Japan, it will help use by gaining knowledge, increasing the skills and even in terms of the financial mean.”



What is your dream?

Image from Gyazo


Mr. Jean “My dream which actually reflects to ディープロ is that I want to create my own company. And have a group of programmers and try to study in our own country. Since I understand programming and business aspects, and I have a lot of business ideas, once I find programmers, I’ll work with them and make something very productive.”


If that dream came true, what is your next dream?


Mr. Jean “After I realize that dream, of course, I’ll get married. So, I’ll try to touch the money from the dream and then I’ll get married, have a family. Because I believe youth is actually the strength for any nation, I’ll empower the youth as I was empowered, and that would be meaningful to any community.”


Please give us some comments to ディープロ.


Mr. Jean “First, thank you because ディープロ is a very great program. In Rwanda, also there are some other companies but it was very hard to join. But you guys believed that as long as you have an interest, as long as you believe that you can do something, then, please show yourself, we can help/mentor you and give you directions. That’s what you guys did and really appreciate it. And my comment is that you did great and we always recognize these things you actually brought to us.”
