




学習が進んで1ヶ月した頃に受講生インタビューを実施!Iradukunda Peter Yvesさんにお話を伺いました。



It has been one month since you started learning here. How do you feel about studying programming in ディープロ?


Mr. Peter “About this one month we have spent together, I have improved so much. I have gained some knowledge that the school didn’t teach me. At school, we have learned only the basics and spent only 2 hours in front of the computer. So, this month of deep study about Ruby increased my desire to be a good programmer. It’s good for me. Thank you.”


Is it fun or difficult?


Mr. Peter “It’s not difficult. It’s fun because I’m getting understanding something that I didn’t know. As I am going to make progress, it’ll be more fun.”



How do you want to learn programming and use it for your own country?


Mr. Peter “First, I want to improve to a certain level. Once I reach that level, I want to build some applications that will help my country. I want to be a part of developing IT in my country.”


Which kind of sector do you want to part in as a software developer?

Image from Gyazo


Mr. Peter “There are some people and organizations who have good and viable ideas(projects) that can benefit them and the society if implemented but they lack funds in order to run that project and make it work. in our country, there is no platform that can provide funds so I want to make that platform. Individuals/organizations can access that platform and upload their project and they can demand funds to the community. And others can access it and see the projects posted on it and if they are interested in any project there, they can donate for that project. That application can collect funds using mobile money payment using phones or credit cards and users can donate on their devices without going somewhere physically to meet that project owner. “


What is your dream?


Mr. Peter “My dream is to be a programmer who can afford money enough to support myself and my family and anyone who wants some support.”



Please give some comments to ディープロ.


Mr. Peter “It’s like… You are a gift from heaven. Because in Rwanda, there are not many professional programmers, ディープロ helps not only the students but also the country itself. You are actually helping the development of our country. So I want to tell you that you have to keep it up. Thank you very much.”
