

【ルワンダメンターインタビュー】受講生思いの現地メンターのCedrickさん「NEVER GIVE UPと伝えたい」

ディープロ ルワンダ校のメンターのCedrickさんにインタビューいたしました。受講生に対する熱い気持ちを語ってくれました。


開講して1ヶ月した頃にインタビューを実施!ディープロ ルワンダ校のメンターのCedrickさんにお話を伺いました。



“How do you feel spending time with us for the first one month?”


Mr. Cedrick “It was great. I’m not talking about myself, but the students here. Their knowledge has improved in a big way. I have gone through so many things with them, and I think we have progressed very much so that I’m glad that I have joined DIVE INTO CODE.”


“How do you want to take advantage of the last 4 weeks’ experience in Rwanda?”


Mr. Cedrick “We have seen so many things in these 4 weeks and we have gained a lot of experiences on how to teach people, and to get people to understand. Next month will be easier because we already have some experiences”


“What is your dream?”


Mr. Cedrick “As an individual, it was to become a software engineer, and I think I’m achieving it because I’m working as a software engineer as you know. But now I’m helping 20 or more people to achieve their dream at DIVE INTO CODE. So, that’s my dream.”



“Please give comments to us and students.”

Image from Gyazo


また、メンターとして働くことに関しては、今まで見たこともない問題にぶち当たったりするので、挑戦でもあります。しかし、この仕事は社会に影響を与えることができるので、素晴らしいと思います。 ディープロ ルワンダ校は、ルワンダや受講生に好機をもたらしてくれるし、受講生は自分のスキルを磨き上げ、夢を叶えることができる場所なので、僕はここが本当に大好きです。

Mr. Cedrick “It would be great if DIVE INTO CODE continues for years because it’s really going to change students’ lives. And for the students, I recommend never give up because it is the best place to come. Motivation and lessons, facilities, and opportunities, everything is here.

Working as a mentor, I feel it’s a very challenging work because sometimes you meet new problems you’ve never seen before. But, I know this work will impact society, so working as a mentor is great. I really like DIVE INTO CODE Rwanda because it gives opportunities to Rwanda and the students, and the students can improve their skills and achieve their goals.”
