2019年3月14日World's Change Makersによるイベント「国際協力 × ビジネス in Africa -世界に通用するビジネスとは?-」にて、弊社代表野呂がルワンダでのエンジニア育成プロジェクト構想を講演しました

国際協力 × ビジネス in Africa -世界に通用するビジネスとは?-にて、弊社代表野呂がルワンダでのエンジニア育成プロジェクト構想を講演しました
World’s Change Makersによるイベント「国際協力 × ビジネス in Africa -世界に通用するビジネスとは?-」にて、弊社代表野呂が講演しました。イベントでは途上国ビジネスに関心のある方々に向けて、ディープロのルワンダWebエンジニア育成プロジェクトについてお話ししました。
Our CEO, Noro talked about our web engineer education project in Rwanda for those who are interested in business in developing countries. It was an event to learn about business in Africa related to international cooperation, which was run by World’s Change Makers.
場所は東京浅草の隠れ家的存在「協力隊 SAKE BAR TOMMY’S」でした。
The event was held in SAKE BAR TOMMY’S in Asakusa, Tokyo.
Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers from JICA and those who are interested in international cooperation gather in this homy pub to exchange information and meet new people who have similar interest.
In the event, the participants introduced themselves first. Many had been to African, which made us expect to have fruitful discussion.
Afterwards, our CEO, Noro introduced himself. He talked about his memory and experience which led him to current business, the history of ディープロ foundation, and the process of Africa expansion. He also explained the web engineer education project in Rwanda.
He told the participants that Rwandan students learned online after the very first seminar by him in Rwanda, and
one of them is now working as a mentor teaching how to code for Japanese students using Google translation
. The attendants showed interest in this outcome.
After Noro introduced the project in Rwanda, attendants had a chance to ask him questions.
Noro chooses Rwanda because it advocates ICT nation building.
However, based on the questions and answers, we realized that our project in Rwanda could be developed not only in Rwanda or Africa but everywhere in the world.
The ultimate goal of the business of ディープロ is “to build a society where all the people can succeed by using technology”, and we try to spread IT education opportunity in the far continent.
On the other hand,
programming language is a universal language
. The online curriculum translated into English can be provided for people all over the world as long as they have a laptop and the internet.
World’s Change Makersの皆さんのお陰で、アフリカに関心のある方とお会いできました。
We had a chance to talk with the participants afterwards.
We were able to meet those who are interested in Africa, thanks to World’s Change Makers.
We also had a chance to introduce our crowdfunding for our further development in Rwanda.
クラウドファンディングページ|Crowdfunding Page
until April 22, 2019. 11:00 PM
We keep trying our best to spread IT education and employment opportunity in Rwanda and Africa.
We would appreciate it if you could support and cooperate with us.
世界平和への憧れから、国境を超えて人々を繋ぐ英語の存在に惹かれ外大英語科に進学。教職課程にて教育の持つ影響力を学ぶ。2017年8月外務省国際機関人事センターにてインターンを経験し、国際協力の在り方について学ぶ中、アフリカ経済に貢献するビジネスに関心を持つ。同年10月1日より、ディープロ Global Unitインターン。教材の英語翻訳、ABEイニシアティブインターン受け入れを担当。
Sumiko SAITO
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, English Major
Majors in English because of interest in English, which connects people all over the world. Learned about the impact of education through the teacher training course. Internship at the department for human resource of international organizations in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan in August 2017. Through learning about international cooperation, got interested in business for Africa. Intern of Global Unit, ディープロ Corp. since October 2017. Translated the curriculum and welcomed ABE Initiative interns.