2019年3月8日完全未経験から就職へ ルワンダ人メンターRobertくんにプログラミング学習について聞きました

Saito in charge of Global Unit asked the global mentor Robert about his experience of learning to code.
He majored in pharmacy at university, and he got his first job at a pharmacy. Now he is working as a mentor in ディープロ remotely from Rwanda, and he still works for the pharmacy.
He was born and grew up in Rwanda, and he has never been to Japan. He graduated from our curriculum by learning with our teaching material totally online after the very first seminar in Rwanda, which was held by our CEO, Noro.
I asked him about his experience, which must have involved some difficulties, and
received his message for beginners of programming
Saito “You majored in pharmacy, and you were totally a beginner when you started learning to code with our teaching material. How did you find the curriculum first?”
Robert “It was confusing at first, but with time it became easier. I struggled for a month until I found it clear. I still want to learn for better understanding though.”
Saito “I’m amazed at your ambition. It’s great you as a beginner graduated from our curriculum although there were no offline lectures or local mentors after the very first lecture for one day. I think the curriculum was challenging. What kept you try?”
Robert “I became friends with some people from ディープロ, who kept me try. And also locally a few students worked as a team. I met them in the first seminar by Mr. Noro.
When I found something unclear in the seminar, I asked others, and we had studied together since then.
Saito “You’re positive! Now, please give some message for those who are interested in programming but still feeling scared.”
Robert “There is no limit to learn something new. You can learn anything you want to learn in your life. New knowledge can scare you, but you don’t need to be scared.
It is said that you don't know how powerful you are until you are required to be so.
Don’t calculate how much you can earn from the first day, and never give up. It takes you some time to be successful.”
Rwanda has developed as an ICT nation after its revival from the sad history of genocide, and now it is the second in the business environment ranking in Sub-Saharan Africa.
(The World Bank Group: Doing Business)
Robert encourages Japanese people from a land of hope, Rwanda, where people make efforts and achieve success from adversity.
Robert gives us encouraging words during work as well.
The ultimate goal of the business of ディープロ is “to build a society where all the people can succeed by using technology”.
Robert says
ディープロ has changed his life
We are going to expand our schools so that we can produce more and more African engineers after him.
ディープロ Rwanda school was run only online, but now we have Robert there, and we can establish a physical school locally.
We have prepared for crowdfunding to finance the local school, and we are ready!
The schedule for the crowdfunding
March 11, 2019. 10:00 AM - April 22, 2019. 11:00 PM
We will announce the crowdfunding page when it is released. We would appreciate it if you could support and cooperate with us.
世界平和への憧れから、国境を超えて人々を繋ぐ英語の存在に惹かれ外大英語科に進学。教職課程にて教育の持つ影響力を学ぶ。2017年8月外務省国際機関人事センターにてインターンを経験し、国際協力の在り方について学ぶ中、アフリカ経済に貢献するビジネスに関心を持つ。同年10月1日より、ディープロ Global Unitインターン。教材の英語翻訳、ABEイニシアティブインターン受け入れを担当。
Sumiko SAITO
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, English Major
Majors in English because of interest in English, which connects people all over the world. Learned about the impact of education through the teacher training course. Internship at the department for human resource of international organizations in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan in August 2017. Through learning about international cooperation, got interested in business for Africa. Intern of Global Unit, ディープロ Corp. since October 2017. Translated the curriculum and welcomed ABE Initiative interns.