




Saito in charge of Global Unit interviewed with Robert, the first global mentor working on answering questions from Japanese students remotely in Rwanda. He is one of the first graduates from ディープロ, and now he is learning to teach students through on-the-job training. I asked him about his ideas on our company.

Image from Gyazo


Saito “How do you find ディープロ?”


Robert “I think ディープロ is amazing, having good people. They help each other, and love each other. When I make a mistake, they give me advice, and everybody takes care of me. When the instructor is off, even the CEO helps me. Some members are not perfect at English, but I don’t care because it is just a communication tool.”



We solve language problems with translation applications.
Our members talk to Robert mainly in English, but he tries to work in Japanese using translation methods. He communicates with the students in Japanese, and sometimes with the mentors in Japanese as well.
Image from Gyazo


Saito “Our business in Rwanda started with a seminar by Mr. Noro in Kigali, and you encountered ディープロ by joining that, right? Please tell me about the event.”


Robert “There were so many university students. After the lecture, Mr. Noro talked about his vision, and I had a very good impression of him. I was especially attracted by the job opportunity after graduation, and every attendant registered to the curriculum. He invited us for a lunch and I talked to him sitting on the right side of him.”


Saito “You have graduated from the curriculum and now you work as a mentor. Do you face any challenge?”


Robert “Until I finish the training and get independent, I need to work when Japanese mentors are working, so the time difference is the challenge. I can choose when to work, but I sometimes work from 5:00 in the morning. I try to sleep for 7 hours by keeping early hours.”


Saito “I’m amazed you’ve never been late.”


Robertくんは家族と一緒に住んでいます。ディープロのシフト時間になると自分の部屋にこもり、”Do not disturb”プレートをドアに掛けるそうです。

After finishing the training, he will work when Japanese mentors are off, and ディープロ will be able to answer questions for much longer time.

Robert lives with his family. When he is at work, he uses “Do not disturb” plate to concentrate on work in his room.

Image from Gyazo


ディープロで学んだRuby on Railsを使って会社ウェブサイト立ち上げを手伝うのだそうです。

He is now working at a pharmacy as he works in ディープロ for part time, and now he is going to get another job from an entrepreneur who needs an IT manager.
He is planning to start a corporate website using Ruby on Rails, which he learned in ディープロ.



Born in Rwanda, where high unemployment is the social problem, Robert is going to have 3 sources of income with knowledge he gained from ディープロ.

We will keep spreading the IT education opportunity so that we will give the chances of success for more and more people.

Image from Gyazo

世界平和への憧れから、国境を超えて人々を繋ぐ英語の存在に惹かれ外大英語科に進学。教職課程にて教育の持つ影響力を学ぶ。2017年8月外務省国際機関人事センターにてインターンを経験し、国際協力の在り方について学ぶ中、アフリカ経済に貢献するビジネスに関心を持つ。同年10月1日より、ディープロ Global Unitインターン。教材の英語翻訳、ABEイニシアティブインターン受け入れを担当。

Sumiko SAITO
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, English Major
Majors in English because of interest in English, which connects people all over the world. Learned about the impact of education through the teacher training course. Internship at the department for human resource of international organizations in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan in August 2017. Through learning about international cooperation, got interested in business for Africa. Intern of Global Unit, ディープロ Corp. since October 2017. Translated the curriculum and welcomed ABE Initiative interns.
